Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Goals

I love the start of a new year; you have a clean slate once again to start over fresh. I'm adamant about making each year better than the previous. I love goals and getting that sense of accomplishment and feel I'm making progress, it's a GREAT feeling! One of the things that brings me great satisfaction is to be organized. I feel so much more in control and so much more peace when I have things planned out.

Let's check my goals for 2009 and see how well I did:

learn sign language
lose weight -(not fit like I want to, but at least I lost most my baby fat from Mikkie!)
attend temple monthly(We were so close on this one..just missed 2 months.) =(
be more positive- focus on good things
do more service-something nice for someone each week (Tim thinks I did lots of service...I guess we're our own worse critics, eh)
☑☑be more organized-prepare cards/gifts ahead of time so they're done by special occasion.
do more writing
?? read book of mormon again-with study journal-- (I didn't do the study journal, but I did read the whole Doctrine & Covenants two times! I think that counts..) =)
VT every month(boy did I fail miserably at this! I didn't even go once!)
☑☑potty train faith!
☑☑improve design skills

Not bad, but not my best either. I can do SO much better. This year for my New Year's resolutions, instead of just making a list of what I want to get done, I'm doing Three things:

First I get organized by making a list of everything that's going on in the year 2010 (i.e. birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, other special occasions) and list them in the month before it happens so I can plan/prepare for it a month in advance. I did this for last year and found it to be VERY helpful and effective. I had everything written down so I wouldn't forget and would know each month what I needed to be focusing/working on.

Second, make goals. I just thought of a way to do this better for this year, instead of making a list of goals like I stated earlier, I made a goal for each month. On my "organized list" if you will, at the bottom of each month's list, I assigned a goal to focus on for that whole month. I'm very excited and hope it will return good results.

Third, I'm going to return and report...right here to you guys. =) maybe it will help me be more motivated knowing I have to report to you. At the end of each month, I will record my progress on here and hopefully get some encouraging remarks to help me keep going. ;)

Here's my collage I made of my goals that I'm putting as my desktop background on my computer to be a constant reminder!

January: Be consistent in establishing some type of workout routine and make it a habit (with a whole month just dedicated to this, I have high hopes I can pull it off =)

February: Study a topic in the scriptures each week and really become familiar with it.

March: Read! See how many books I can read in this month.

April: Give all attention to getting our square foot garden prepared and planted!

May: Learn to crochet and make at least one thing.

June: Give even more time to my kids (not like I won't spend more time with them in any other month); study and find better ways to teach them and have Faith memorize the alphabet.

July: Learn how to swim. Yes, I'm FINALLY going to get the guts to do this. I'm going to have Faith take lessons with me. =) So, I guess a double goal here.

August: Set up an Etsy shop and sell stuff.

September: Get more serious about my writing. Have at least one or two stories done.

October: Learn how to do Family History. I've not one clue of how to research my ancestors...and I know just the person to go to for Grandpa! =)

November: Memorize Morse code....could come in very handy. Tim and I learned to do it a while ago, but I need a refresher and be able to have it down pat.

December: Serve more. Instead of waiting for an opportunity to come to me, I'm going to go looking myself and find ways to serve, even if it be something small.

I'm VERY excited and pumped to get started on a new year learning new things and bettering myself. I have a feeling it's going to be a great year! Happy New Year to you and may you be blessed to set some goals for yourself and have the motivation to achieve them!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Traditions: Christmas Eve.....

Every year we go to my parents on Christmas eve for a nice dinner and some type of program, which this year it was the nativity and turned out great!
My mom likes to get everyone Christmas jammies too, and it's one of my favorite traditions, cuz jammies and I are pretty tight. =) You can NEVER have enough jammies. This year my mom made the girls pants, and wow, they are suuuuuper cute and soooo, suuuuuper soft and cozy, I mean like REALLY super soft and cozy! Along with that we got matching shirts, soft fuzzy socks, and even a matching soft, fuzzy BLANKIE! Oh man, I was in heaven...still am, i'm still in them in fact! haha The guys were totally jealous, but they got some super fun jammies as well! No more plaid, they got cute reindeer pants! And of course the the lil chillin's got some pj's as well, it was just a huge jammie party....can you tell I'm a just a tad excited??? =)

So, here's our traditional pictures of my family in our Christmas jammies!

The gals
Explanation for this pic....we just found out that my sister is FINALLY
pregnant, after 6 years!!!!!!!! I"M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is how she told everyone...vinyl on her shirt. =)
The grandkids (minus one) in their cutsie jammies! Faithy wouldn't put her blankie down
so we could see hers. And man....we need another boy in the Fam! lil Tru is getting highly
out numbered! Come on Tam, a boy, a boy! =)
The boys in their "super suits" hehe I don't know who came up with the idea, but I love it!
haha That's a good lookin bunch!
Nice picture....
....normal picture..... yup, it wouldn't be my family without a good ol' goofy pic! good times, good times....
Who else loves getting jammies as much as I do?!? And come on, you can't always take serious pictures, right?!? =)

Merry Christmas, to you from us!

We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy this special time with your loved ones!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

On the Twelfth day of Christmas....

First I wanna say welcome to all you newcomers, hope you enjoy my blog! I hope you all have had fun with this 12 days of Christmas, I know I sure have! It's been so fun getting my rear in gear and crafting again and to give some fun stuff away! You all are awesome!
I love giveaways, so for those of you who didn't get picked this time 'round, stay tuned, for there will be many more chances yet to come! I'm already working on some Valentines crafts...should that be illegal?! =)

........yet another awesome "follower" won from me......
a monogram plaque stand!
Congrats Jen & Dale and thanks for your support!
Contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

On the Eleventh day of Christmas.........

another awesome "follower" one from me.....
a cute little "love" glass etched vase!
Congrats Brittany and thanks for your support!
Contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On the Tenth day of Christmas........

my awesome "follower" won from me......
a cute vintage chalkboard that I painted & shabbied up a bit!
or you can take off the chalkboard and use the frame
for something frame some vinyl lettering on your wall!
Congrats Marcie and thanks for your support!
contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Monday, December 21, 2009

On the Ninth day of Christmas............

An awesome "follower" won from me.......
cute Reindeer place card holders!
Congrats Raven and thanks for your support!
contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Creme Caramel Cake

I found this recipe on Kraft and I've made it once before and it was soooo delicious, I had to make it for our ward Christmas party! It was a hit!

1 pkg. (2-layer size) yellow cake mix
1 pkg. (4-serving size) JELL-O Vanilla Flavor Instant Pudding
1-1/2 cups Sour Cream, divided
4 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup plus 4 tsp. water, divided
33 KRAFT Caramels
1/4 cup powdered sugar

PREHEAT oven to 350°F. Lightly grease and flour 12-cup fluted tube pan or 10-inch tube pan. Set aside. Place cake mix, dry pudding mix, flavored coffee, eggs, 1 cup of the sour cream, the oil and 1/2 cup of the water in large bowl. Beat with electric mixer on low speed 2 min. or just until dry ingredients are moistened, stopping occasionally to scrape down side of bowl. Beat on medium speed 2 min. or until well blended. Remove 1 cup of the batter; place in small bowl. Pour remaining batter into prepared pan.

MICROWAVE 25 of the caramels and 3 tsp. (1 Tbsp.) of the remaining water in medium microwaveable bowl on HIGH 30 sec.; stir. Continue microwaving 1 min. until caramels are completely melted, stirring every 10 sec. Add reserved 1 cup batter and 1/4 cup of the remaining sour cream; mix well. Drop by spoonfuls over batter in pan; swirl with knife several times for marble effect.

BAKE 1 hour or until wooden toothpick inserted near center comes out clean. Cool in pan on wire rack 10 min. Loosen cake from side of pan with spatula or knife. Invert cake onto rack; carefully remove pan. Cool cake completely.

PLACE remaining 8 caramels in medium microwaveable bowl. Add remaining 1 tsp. water. Microwave 20 sec.; stir. Continue microwaving 30 sec. until caramels are completely melted, stirring every 10 sec. Stir in remaining 1/4 cup sour cream and the powdered sugar until well blended. Cool. Drizzle over cake. Store in refrigerator.

On the Eighth day of Christmas.......

another awesome "follower" won from me........
A "Believe" vinyl tile!
Congrats Stephanie and thanks for your support!
Contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

On the Seventh day of Christmas......

my awesome "follower" won from me.....
"Let it Snow" wooden blox!
Congrats Tammy and thanks for your support!
Contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Reason for Season video!

I wanted to make a video to this song, since it's one of my favorites,
and helps to remember the true reason for this season.....the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas!
If it doesn't start playing after you push the play button,
you may have to move the slider a bit. =)


It's my turn again for day 8, which is Celebrate! I had a lot of fun making this one.
Download Kit HERE.
I even made a music video to go with it. I'm going to post it here just in case it doesn't open for you.
It's to one of my favorite Christmas songs..."Reason for the Season" by Lonestar. I hope you like it! (i have to do a separate post for it, since it won't let me do it on this one)

On the Sixth day of Christmas........

Another awesome "follower' won from me........
Your pick of one of these too cute skirts
Click on the link above and choose the style and size you want
and then contact me at to arrange
getting your prize! Congrats and thanks for your support!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

On the Fifth day of Christmas.........

my awesome "follower" won from me........
An array of delicious fudge, peanut butter cups and oreo truffles all homemade by me! =)
Congrats Jenny and thanks for your support!
Contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

On the fourth day of Christmas......

My awesome "follower" won from me.....
A "Jingle Dale Rock" Christmas album by Dale Jessee!
btw....I designed this cover album for him! =)
and just wanna say I went to his concert.....AWESOME!!

Congrats Clint and Rachel and thanks for your support!
Contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Andi from LDS Creativity Corner came up with a brilliant idea called the 12 "ways" of Christmas to help bring us closer to our Savior and to remember the real reason for this season!
Andi gathered a bunch of amazing women to help put this together for all of you. Special thanks to all of them for sharing their talents! I'm excited to be part of this along with:

Melanie from LDS Handouts
Rachel and Robyn All LDS Freebies
Erika at Pink Igloo Designs
Melanie & Melissa from Green Jello With Carrots
Summer from Summertime Designs

I'm doing day 5 & 8. Day 5 is INSPIRE which you can download HERE
Day 8 will be posted on Saturday! Hope you enjoy!

On the Third day of Christmas....

My awesome "follower" won from me.......
...a personalized monogram board! (of course, yours will be a 'G'=)
Congrats Tina G. and thanks for your support!
Contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Monday, December 14, 2009

On the Second day of Christmas.......

My awesome "follower" won from me.......
A Christmas rag/ribbon garland handmade by me!
Congrats Danielle and thanks for your support!
Contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

On the first day of Christmas....

My awesome follower won from me.....
TWO of my handmade fabric flowers! and a partridge in a pear tree! ok, not really that, but it was inevitable to add it. =)
Congrats Pink Igloo Designs and thanks for your support!
Contact me at to arrange getting your prize!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Traditions: Movies

There's nothing like getting into the Christmas mood like snuggling up by the fireplace, watching some feel-good Christmas movies. These are my personal favorites, Some are from my childhood and bring back fond memories:
The Grinch- By far my most favorite ever! I can quote it line for line. =)
Last Holiday
White Christmas
While you were sleeping
Miracle on 34th Street
Santa Clause: The Movie- childhood favorite.
Santa Clause
Santa Clause 2
Alvin & the Chipmunks
Jack Frost
Rudolph Red-nosed Reindeer- childhood favorite.
The Holiday
Holiday in Handcuffs
Beauty & the Beast: Enchanted Christmas
Jingle all the Way
Borrowed Hearts
Precious Moments: Timmy's Gift- childhood favorite also.
Polar Express
Christmas Do-Over
Prancer- we used to always watch this on Christmas eve when I was younger, so it kinda stuck with me.
Nightmare Before Christmas
Christmas Shoes
Christmas Box
Christmas Card
Home Alone
Mickey's Christmas Carol
I'll be Home for Christmas

Just a reminder.... My 12 Days of Christmas is starting on December 13! =)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sweet feet

If you're like me.... everyone else around you is wearing boots; but me, I'm still wearing open-toed shoes. I still haven't quite caught on to the boot trend. Why hide up your pretty toes (correction...nails. toes are not pretty;) when they're all cute n' festive candy canes!

BTW..... I'm going to do a "12 days of Christmas" starting next Sunday, December 13. I will be giving away something cute/cool/fun/rad/etc each day until December 24. My girls will draw names from MY FOLLOWERS!! I will announce a winner each day along with their prize. (obviously ;) So...24 of ya so far, there'll be a pretty good chance you'll win something! =) If you'd like to join in on winning, scroll down and sign up on the right side. If you are a follower but do not want to participate, just leave a comment on this post letting me know.
I'm excited, aren't you?!?!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Freebie Holly Jolly Christmas Kit!


Twinkling, glowing christmas lights

White, crisp snow

Freshly baked gingerbread cookies

Peppermint candy canes

Majestic, invigorating pine tree

Merry christmas tunes

Building a jolly snowman

Warm, crackling fireplace

Shiny, glittery, ornate ornaments

.....ahhhh, how I love Christmas time! Christmas lights are definitely my favorite (not untangling though!), I could just stare at them for hours, they are so mesmerizing. I love the whole feel of this time of year. Focusing on giving and serving others and of course the whole reason for the season, the birth of our Savior.

I had a lot of fun designing this kit. If you can't tell, I'm ALL about the swirlies. Anyways, feel free to email me at to show me what you come up with, I'd love to see your creativity! =)

Free for Personal Use Only.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas tree!

Ever been to Festival of Trees? I love to go there just to see the amazingly pro decorated trees there, it's fascinating to me. I'm determined to have my tree be festival of tree worthy someday!
But with my alloted budget, this is the best I can get for right now. I've wanted to do a pink/silver tree for quite some time now and was totally stoked to finally make it happen! I'm absolutely lovin' it!

The gals in my fam went to help decorate my sister's tree at her salon, and this is the outcome. LOVE it!
Does anyone love Christmas trees as much as I do or is it just me?! =)