Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Happy Birthday Handsome!

Not fun timing for our kids to be sick. But regardless, we still partied!

The girls helped me make the awesomest birthday sign. Didn't they do a great job! Faith asked me to show her how to draw a lollipop and, along with her smiley faces, she drew a whole bunch to make it all festive. :) Daddy absolutely loved, LOVED it!
I ordered some Thai food take out and set up a picnic right in the comfort of our own home. :)We would've taken the lil' picnic outdoors, but we probably would've gotten blown to the Wizard of Oz. :)
I made a scavenger hunt for Tim to find his gifts and card. We love doing those around here! :) I have to say the clues were pretty clever.

Here he is sportin' his new outift, what a good lookin' stud!
Tim's birthday dessert. Ever had sweet sticky rice with mango? You HAVE to try it, it's soooo good! It's been one of our favorites for a while now.
We like to do early gifts here, mostly it's because of me....ok, it IS because of me. I just can't hold my horses! I got him a part for his phone and was so excited cuz I knew he had no clue what I was up to. When it came time for him to use it, he realized I got the wrong part. So, he tells me, "Thanks sweetie, but I'll get the electronic stuff, ok." hahah oh well, can't blame him, it's like him trying to buy me clothes or makeup. I made up for that by getting the new season of our favorite computer game and we nerded out together playing it for a few nights! Does anyone else like to do that with their hubby? :)

And to end the night with a big shabang, we paid (literally) a visit to the doctor. We find that Mikkie has a bad ear infection. :( Poor girly! It's been a miserable week.

Life is so much fun with hy handsome hubby!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rolled fabric flowers

Got into another fabric-flower-making-splurge. I found more tutorials I was just itchin' to try, and still even more that I'm tryin to find time to do! Check out this tutorial. Some other ones I made I just kinda messed around with and experimented. :) Sometimes that's the best way to get some fun, different styles....and sometimes, not so much. :)
I wanted to make small clippies to put in Mikkie's ponytails, so I just made mini rolled fabric flowers and attached them to some mini clips I found at JoAnn's. Too cute, I love them on her!
Both her and Faith made great little posers :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wooly to Ruffly pillow!

One of the things I love seeing (and doing) is turning ugly or old things into new and improved things. I see the pro ones out there where people totally transform beaten-up furniture into gorgeous masterpieces.....I'm not even close to doing that yet (probably would look like a toddler did it), but I'm starting small. Pillows I can do, and with each one I'm getting more practice to make the next one even better.

Well, I'm not sure this one is better than my last, but I do like it. This is the ugly wool pillow I got from DI for $2!!.......
..............and transformed it into this loverly vision of white. :) with 2 messy girls, let's see how long it STAYS white. haha
I didn't really find a tutorial on this one, and was not thinking at the time to make my own. I just saw a ruffled pillow like this at a store and guessed on how to do it. If enough people want a tute, then I'll go ahead and make one just for you. :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Framed vinyl

Something else to take up some wall space. I can do shelves, but wall space......I never know how to arrange it! I did this for starters.....

got a cheap-o, ugly old gold frame from D.I. and painted/distressed it. The vinyl I cut with myself with my Cricut.
"A family that prays together, stays together". how true that is. :)

ahhhhh, me likey how it looks! I just gotta figure out what to fill my jar with now.hummmmmm...

Burlap canvas

This is my version of the fabric wall hangings I've been seeing a lot of. This is residing on the wall between our Living and Family rooms; adds a great touch, me thinks. =)
Just made a wood frame, pulled the burlap over (probably could've done it tighter) and stapled it down. The flowers were some of the hair clips I've been making (Post of those coming soon). I hot glued those on and then stitched some squiggly vines with brown thread. Not too shabby, eh.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Breakin' out the moves

Tim had told me that the other night he started beat boxin' around on the table and counter and the girls started dancing to it! haha I tell ya, those girls can dance to ANYTHING! They even find the beat & rhythm to the washer when it's washin' a load of clothes. They are born dancers. I love it, so cute!
No, we didn't plan their matching outfits, it just worked out cool like that. ;)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Decorative balls

I've had a bunch of tutorials bookmarked for a long while that I wanted to get to someday, and that someday finally came! =) Now with the holidays over and out of the way I can focus on making some "regular home decor" for my house. I want to finish up my downstairs first since I've already started and since that's where people are the most.

These cute twine covered Styrofoam balls were on my to-craft list. I had some balls from Faith's party, so it worked out perfect to just use those and not have to buy anymore. The only prob with the bigger ones is they took about an hour! so....easy, but time consuming. I think I was using smaller twine than the tutorial where they used hemp cording. I wish I used that, but they still look good.
I found the perfect turquoise color at Walmart to spray paint some balls and others I used a brown I already had.
While I was clicking around, I came across a picture of rolled fabric decorative balls.
There were no instructions, just a picture. But it was easy enough to figure out. Just roll/twist fabric and hot glue it on the ball as you go along, same as the twine, just with rolled fabric. Such a cute match to go along with the twine balls. Love it!
Last but not least, um....more fabric balls (for lack of a better name). Same technique is used on these that I used on my Valentine Wreath, just used on a ball instead of a heart. LOVE these also!
I had to buy ZIP-ola for all these balls! well, I bought them at one point, but ya know...I've had them on hand for a while. =) These ones were made from old skirts, and the turquoise one from an old pillow case. I feel very resourceful. =)
More home decor on the way =)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Freebie kit!


Once again, time has flown by and it's Easter! Easter, General Conference, good food and family all in one day! What would make it even better is if the girls weren't sick and it was warm sunshiney weather. oh well, can't have everything, eh! =)

This kit is dedicated to the bunny rabbit we can't have. Have I said enough how bummed I am with Tim's allergies?! It's not his fault, but darn it all. ;)

Have fun with this and I hope to hear how you like it.

Please remember that all my kits are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. Thanks!

Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fooooooool's!

I wasn't really prepared for this holiday this year, usually I'm scheming plans weeks in advance, but I couldn't just NOT do something. So, off the top of my head I devised a simple plan that got better results than planned.

I thought my joke last year was awesome- having my prego SIL take a pregnancy test for me to make it look like I was pregnant, and I got the water works going and everything for about 1/2 hour, it was priceless. I was crying cuz I was still recovering from having Mikkie in Nov. Who wants to get prego again that fast?! Not I! But I now know even more by his reaction, what an incredible hubby I have that he was ready to be my support through yet another "pregnancy" =)

According to Tim he thought this year's joke was better than last. We had just barely gotten our Dremel back from being fixed and so I told him that while I was out in the garage spray painting, the girls got a hold of the dremel and totally messed up our walls in the kitchen and entryway. First of all, being the kind and caring person he is, he asked if they were hurt or anything. When i replied no, he was pretty peeved. I said the dremel must've broken from them dropping it from upstairs (they love to throw things over the railing). that set him off. He was taking this news better than expected, so I continue with...."and not to mention they ripped apart half our books they tore off the shelf yesterday." Insert scream.(well, I was telling him over google talk, but I could hear his frustration..muahaha). He was planning ways to discipline better and everything and called me on the way home asking if I could call my dad to see how much it would be to repair the damage. Once I told him April Fool's he about died, cuz he actually believed me and couldn't believe how mad I made him get. LOL I couldn't have gotten a better reaction. ok......and I just HAD to throw in the whole taping-down-sink-sprayer-button prank and asked him to wash his hands. I just love the look of surprise on his face when the water sprays him right in the face. HAHA oh boy, I love to tease my hubby! I'm glad he still loves me with all he has to put up with from me. =) But hey, don't blame ME, blame my dad...that's where I get my mischievousness from. ;)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

LDS Blog Train: Called to Serve