
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Gettin' in the media....

Been busy out n about makin friends with the media... ;)

Last week we won tickets and went to the Premiere of New Moon, so we enjoyed an early anniversary as well, with Maria and her friend. I must say this movie was MUCH better than the first. We really liked it...including Tim...oops I wasn't supposed to say that out loud. ;) I snagged this pic from City Weekly.
My next appearance in the media was for my sister and BIL's salon, Radiance Salon. They're partnering with ABC4 "Good Things Utah" and did a show with them on Tuesday. It was for their new laser hair removal treatment and to show off some do's..which was where me, my sister and 2 friends came in! It was pretty fun, I felt a lil awkward tho and once I watched it after, we laughed at ourselves...especially at my sister who looked mad/serious the whole time! haha The video below doesn't show up in feed readers...cuz it's javascript.... lame.

If you heard them talk about a free makeover at the's AWESOME! and if you wanna sign up for the contest, go HERE.

Btw..the pink and white flowers in the 2 girls hair are some of the fabric flowers I've been making..which I Promise I will post right after Thanksgiving!


  1. Laura! Tammy just told me they were on Good Things Utah, I'm so happy you put them on your site! So cool! I just went in and had my manly sideburns waxed...OUCH! I can't wait for her lazer hair removal! You all looked awesome ;)

  2. That is awesome that you were on GTU, you are a star!!! Now I just need to get your autograph!!! You looked way cute!!!


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