
Friday, December 18, 2009

Reason for Season video!

I wanted to make a video to this song, since it's one of my favorites,
and helps to remember the true reason for this season.....the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Merry Christmas!
If it doesn't start playing after you push the play button,
you may have to move the slider a bit. =)


  1. Love the video. Is there anyway to make a copy with your permission and show it to my young women?

  2. laura awesome video! That is so awesome that you took time to show the real meaning of Christmas! I got tears in my eyes!

  3. I LOVE this video! Thank you so much for putting it together. It really touched me. I would love to share this with my family. Would you be able and willing to send the file to me?

  4. Thank you everyone, I'm very glad you enjoyed it! Hearing your comments made it all worth it! =) I've included the video in the "Celebrate" kit in the previous post, you can download that and share the video with anyone and everyone, help spread the true Christmas spirit. =)

  5. Loved your video!! Thanks for sharing it.


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