
Monday, January 4, 2010

♥A delectable treat for your sweetheart!♥

I made these 2 years ago for Faith's 1st birthday party and I LOVED them! They sure would make a perfect dessert to make for your special someone for Valentines, or heck, even for just yourself! =) They're so easy, you have got to try them out! I love even more that the WHOLE thing is edible!

Chocolate Mousse cups

"Paint" cupcake liners with melted chocolate, freeze until set.

Mousse- Whip 1 pint heavy whipping cream to medium stiff peaks. Stir in 1 pint jar of Kraft double fudge topping and 2 teaspoons cocoa.

Peel off paper from chocolate cupcakes, spoon mousse into them and refrigerate until serving.

For the hearts, i just poured out melted chocolate onto waxed paper, let it set, and used a heart shaped cookie cutter to make the shapes, drizzled with white chocolate and voila! A fancy shmancy, delightful treat!


  1. yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!! those look SOOO good! im totally going to make them!!! thanks larfa!!! :D

  2. These look so amazing, my mouth is watering!!! I'm Cindy Steggell's friend, by the way!!


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