
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fabric heart wreath

I'm surprised I have energy today. Yesterday was full of steam cleaning my nasty carpets, making homemade bread (which turned out awesome, i'm so excited) and decorating for Valentines!(which is in exactly one month!) We had some neighbors over for dinner and games, it was a blast! I love our neighbors! While playing, Faith dropped a can on her big toe and was up til the wee hours of the morning crying in pain. poor girl. She woke up this morning and when I asked how her toe was feeling, she said, "oh no, it's purple!" lol

Anyways, here's post 1 for Valentines, actually it would probably be 2, cuz the chocolate mousse cups would be 1, not to get technical or anything. =)

Fabric heart wreath! Isn't she a beauty! I love how it turned out. Very simple, very easy, very cute, but not extremely fast. It is a little time consuming, but not too bad. Don't let that intimidate you, try it out! I got the idea from HERE. She has a great tutorial, the only thing I changed was I used hot glue....I think it's easier, plus I didn't have regular glue.


  1. Hey Laura! This is your next door neighbor. :) I just noticed your wreath today and it looks darling!! That's awesome that you made it yourself.

  2. You're UH-mazing! I wish I had your energy! I'll have to check it out! :)


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