
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monthly goal review

Another month- gone! I'm getting way anxious for Spring!

Goal for February: Study a topic in the scriptures each week and really become familiar with it.

Rating: ★★★★★

Surprisingly I only missed 2 days out of the whole month. That's pretty darn good, so I'm going to give myself a little credit and rate me a five. I really tried hard to make it a habit to study every morning before I do anything else (or it most likely won't get done). I really enjoyed these study sessions; I got a lot more out of them rather than just reading straight through the scriptures.
Preach My Gospel is what I studied. It had some great study and application ideas. My cousin mentioned she read it and I thought it sounded like a good idea!


  1. I love your cute new design! The jelly bean butterfly makes me want to laugh. Great job

  2. Laugh as in it's cute and makes me feel happy. It's a good thing :)

  3. I'd say you deserve a 5 for sure! thanks for the great example :)


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