
Monday, March 22, 2010

Burlap bunnies

I thought all my energy was sucked out of me from the party, but when I saw this too cute, easy tutorial for these bunnies, I found my second wind. =) I went right into my craft room and made up 3 in an hour! I'm tellin ya.....EASY.

If it weren't for Tim's darn allergies, we'd have a REAL bunny rabbit.....buuuuuut, I guess I'm just going to have to make up lots of fabric, burlap, plastic, metal, wooden (aka FAKE) bunnies to compensate. =)

I think I like the thin ones over the chubbies, but aren't they just too cute for words?!?

1 comment:

  1. I think the chubby ones are my favs! I like their cute little faces :)


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