
Thursday, April 8, 2010

Decorative balls

I've had a bunch of tutorials bookmarked for a long while that I wanted to get to someday, and that someday finally came! =) Now with the holidays over and out of the way I can focus on making some "regular home decor" for my house. I want to finish up my downstairs first since I've already started and since that's where people are the most.

These cute twine covered Styrofoam balls were on my to-craft list. I had some balls from Faith's party, so it worked out perfect to just use those and not have to buy anymore. The only prob with the bigger ones is they took about an hour! so....easy, but time consuming. I think I was using smaller twine than the tutorial where they used hemp cording. I wish I used that, but they still look good.
I found the perfect turquoise color at Walmart to spray paint some balls and others I used a brown I already had.
While I was clicking around, I came across a picture of rolled fabric decorative balls.
There were no instructions, just a picture. But it was easy enough to figure out. Just roll/twist fabric and hot glue it on the ball as you go along, same as the twine, just with rolled fabric. Such a cute match to go along with the twine balls. Love it!
Last but not least, um....more fabric balls (for lack of a better name). Same technique is used on these that I used on my Valentine Wreath, just used on a ball instead of a heart. LOVE these also!
I had to buy ZIP-ola for all these balls! well, I bought them at one point, but ya know...I've had them on hand for a while. =) These ones were made from old skirts, and the turquoise one from an old pillow case. I feel very resourceful. =)
More home decor on the way =)


  1. i love em!! i am going to make me some :)

  2. Way to go on reusing stuff around the house. Those are my fav kind of crafts. And THANK YOU for your nice comment. I really really appreciated it.

  3. so how much did these cost? Cause I have to find something to make for our wards supper Saturday and I think these are perfect!! I really need to call you, so expect a call from me soon!!!

  4. I just found this!! Thanks for linking me! I must live under a rock...


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