
Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Independence Day!

I love this holiday!
I love the weather..
I love the food...
I love the colors....
I love the festivities...
I LOVE the fireworks! They are my favorite! This year they put music to them and let me just say I got the CHILLS! Not just cuz it was abnormally chilly for this time of year, but the words of the songs are just so inspiring and it makes me so grateful for our country and so grateful that our loving God guided and inspired all the brave individuals who helped make our country what it is today!

With the permission of my brother, Dale i made a slideshow to his inspiring, powerful, gonna-give-you-goosebumps Patriotic Medley. I rushed a bit to get it done (still not on time) but hope you like it.


  1. Wow that makes the eyes water a bit!! Thanks for that awesome video and I love the music, your brother is very talented. I love the new cd's, we listen to them all the time (even more the Jon Schmidt).

  2. I just happened onto this blog, following the LDS blog train, and let me tell you, I am very happy I did. That video is outstanding.Chills are right. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for sharing your part of the LDS blog train. You people are so talented!!!!!


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