
Monday, July 12, 2010


It doesn't take me long to get sick of my hair and ready for a new 'do. My roots were way grown out, my hair looked fried n dead, and it's when I got into the blasted pony-tail routine that made me want change pronto. :)

Meet Frumpy.
Meet Spunky!
The thing that shocks people the most? I didn't even flinch when I saw all that hair on the floor; I was ready for a good whack! :)
I'm LOVIN' the change, cut, color, and how EASY peasy and quick it is to fix! I can literally get out of bed, rub pomade on my head and 10 seconds later I'm ready!
Now, that's what I'm talking about....finally able to beat or at least tie with my hubby in getting ready! ;)

WoO hOo for nEw 'Do'S!!


  1. I didn't realize how dif. the hair color is until you posted the pics! It looks great!

  2. You look GORGEOUS as always! I'm so jealous that you can pull so many different hair styles off and not to mention how brave you are.

  3. Oh my heck! I absolutely love this cut on you! I wish I could pull off something like this! You ALWAYS have such cute hair! I love how daring you are!

  4. You are brave! I recently wacked and dyed my hair but I couldn't bring myself to go shorter than chin length! Maybe next time I will get the guts up to go even shorter! Cute style!

  5. Thanks guys, you're too nice! :)


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