
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Meet Kuzco

As we were driving down to Bear Lake, I convinced Tim to get a dog. There was a guy that our friend's knew who were selling pure bred labs that we got for $75! Steal of a deal! I was so excited when Tim actually said ok. I called my mom right up and she picked him up for us and watched him until we got back.

I just brought him home last Wednesday. Although Faith is still getting used to him, we're loving having him around. Such a fun lil pup. He is having a hard time knowing where to pee-diddle....if anyone has any great tips on how to potty train puppies, I'd be much obliged. :)

For those that haven't guessed already, anyone know where we got the name Kuzco from? :)


  1. he is such a beautiful puppy ... makes me almost want one (minus the pee-diddle part!)

  2. isn't kuzco from a disney movie? I'm thinking the emperor's new groove...but not absolutely certain. By the works in interesting ways. He is a cute pup! Good luck with the pee-diddle, I haven't ever had a dog let alone attempted to potty train one! :D

    Love you Lafa!


  3. He is so cute... best of luck with the potty training. I am definitely not the person to ask about that :).

  4. Awww what a cute lil doggy!! I want one!!! :D ill have to come see kuzco soon!!

  5. What an adorable little guy! We have a lab, I wish I had tips for you, but Garrett house trained our dog. He always just told me that he would just have to watch him carefully and grab them when they are about to do their business and immediately take them outside so they learn that's where they are supposed to go.

  6. He is a real cutie ! Potty training can be trying....some hints are to take them out to the same place each time and use the same words as in, "go potty, now!" One hint he may give you is to start going in circles as if trying to find the right place to tinkle. Always take him out before going to bed and as soon as you get up. And shortly after feeding him.
    Aunt Hilda

  7. Oh he's so cute! I love the movie "Emporer's New Groove", it totally makes me lawl! I know that my SIL Stephanie had a puppy for a while and potty trained it...she has some good tips, might FB her and ask?

  8. Cute puppy and I'm sure Kuzco and Faith will become great friends.


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