
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monthly Goal Review for July

Goal for July: Faith and I learn how to swim.

Rating: 4 stars

let's pretend I was aiming for a silhouette picture, ok. :)
I finally made it a point to get my rear in gear and learn how to swim. It was easier than I thought. Maybe cuz I didn't have to be in the dreaded deep end; but anyways, can I get a round of applause?! ;) Big feat for this scaredy chikin me.
My aunt was kind enough to show me and Faith the ropes and had us swimming in no time. Well, me at least, Faith is working on it. She did so great though, I was so proud of her! When we first went to a pool this summer, she sat on the benches the whole time, she was pretty nervous. Night and day difference to last week- she wasn't clinging all over me and went down the kiddie slide all by herself.....a couple million times. :)

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