
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Faith's super cute new room!

This was such a fun project to make the dreary month of January pass by more quickly. I was SO excited to incorporate my ideas I had in mind. I gotta say, redecorating/painting rooms is my most favorite thing to to planning parties of course. :D

My dad had a brilliant idea he wanted to do in memory of Mikkie. He's pretty much the best contractor/painter there is and has hook-ups with Sherwin Williams. I took a bunch of different paints and mixed them up, when I came up with the colors I liked, my dad took them in and had them named after Mikkie. "Mikkie Pink" and "Mikkopotamus"! How COOL is that?!? If you want these same colors, you just have to go ask for these names!! They're available to the public. I was so excited to have some meaning go into this.

Faith was uber excited about getting a new room and was a pro at helping me paint. She's had practice helping her Grampa before. :)
Her drawers before and after! Complete difference, eh! And these knobs I found at Hobby Lobby.....Perfect!!

What's more fun than Polka dots! Seriously. This was time consuming, but so worth it. It was my favorite part. After trying different things and not finding any easy way to make perfect circles, I found THIS tutorial and it worked like a charm. See those nice, crisp edges.
Before and After. Refreshing change, huh!

Faith painted most of the little cubby all by herself!

I took down her toddler bed and repainted my old bed. She's very excited about her 'big girl bed'! It was just a very hard day taking down Mikkie's crib. :'(

We finally got this girl some blinds! It was very much needed and I think it's helping her to sleep better. Yay!

I love the zebra print in the quilt, so I found a valance to go with it. CUTE!
Searching around for a light fixture wasn't easy either, I knew it when I saw it though. This bright chandelier added the perfect touch to the room! ahhhh I'm so excited all over again! :)

Needless to say, Faith is a VERY satisfied little girl. So happy she started dancing! :)
I love it so much, I'm thinking about swapping rooms with her. :) Her and her daddy can both not sleep together. hehe ;)
Perfect room for my sweet girl!


  1. Wow that turned out stupendous! You are an ace #1 designer and decorator!

  2. I absolutely love your blog, it's one of my faves for digi kits and for fun craft ideas! The room looks amazing! I can't wait to fix up girls room someday. I love the polka dot idea!!

  3. I am always BLOWN AWAY by how creative you are!! SO TALENTED!! And all the thought that go into it!! Even the paint you made yourself and named after Mikki that is pretty darn awesome!

  4. love the polka dots! So very Faithy :) And that chandelier ... where do you find something unique like that?!

  5. Laura, once again you and your sweet family have SHOWN/SHONE your incredible creative flair! Way to go, Faith, on your help with painting! Way to go, Grandpa, on the beautiful colors and the beautiful names! That light fixture is totally PERFECT with the room. GREAT job! :o)

  6. You are right, this IS super cute! I love the way it turned out. Her dresser is wonderful and she is clearly delighted with her new room!

  7. That is ONE SUPER CUTE room! I LOVE IT!!! You are so talented! OH and that's also ONE SUPER CUTE little girl too!

    Take Care,
    JoLynn Ellsworth

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! You totally beat me... I knew you would. :) The paint colors are perfect. Great job, Laura! You're amazing.

  9. Wow, you guys sure know how to make one feel good! Thank you, I'm glad you like the room, it was so fun and I was excited to show you all!

    I found the chandelier here:

    Took me forever to find it!

    Again, thanks for the sweet comments!

  10. LOVE IT!!!! It really is making me want to re-do Lyza's room again.


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