
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

Hooray for a new year! Even though last year was pretty much the most rotten year ever, a lot of good things happened; I ache for last year though when I think this coming year will be the first whole year without our sweet Mikkie. *sigh*
I forced myself to look beyond the worst and find the good times.

Highlights of 2010:I hope everyone had a happier year than us and here's to hoping that in this new year:
the good will outweigh the bad, the happy will outweigh the sad, the positive will outweigh the negative, success will outweigh failure, and the pleasure will outweigh the pain.
I wish you all the best in 2011!

On another note, last night we had some friends and family over to bring in the new year, there's nothing better than that! We wanted to do something different for dinner, so I made some Thai pineapple coconut curry and it was GOOD!!
We met our new friends, Derin & Phil just a month ago and we are the best of friends, they are so much fun! I'm so glad they could come along with part of my family!
Party animals! :)
Am I the only one that doesn't watch the "ball drop"? I can't remember the last time I've seen it, makes no difference to me though. Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! You're not the only one that doesn't watch the ball drop. We usually don't either. This year we did because there were a few people at our house that wanted to watch it. I was having too much fun playing games to care.

    Hope this year is a hundred thousand times better for you than last. Happy New Year!


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