
Monday, February 28, 2011


So much goin on and so little time to do it all! I'm in sunny AZ right now, soakin up the glorious sun with the gals!! I'm so not looking forward to going back to the cold.
I have some fun stuff coming up, so I'll brb later! :)

Funny story: Driving into Arizona and Faith sees a cactus and says, "Woa, look at that crazy tree!" hahaha First time seeing a cactus. She's quite the little traveler and likes it here so far!


  1. It looks so WARM! I'm jealous. I'm here in the cold with sick kids! Time for a vacation :)

  2. I LOVE that you are wearing your special locket that someone SUPER AMAZING picked out! PS I'm still mad at you for NOT taking me!!!! Just kidding! Be safe and come home soon!


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