Friday, April 15, 2011

DIY String Easter Baskets

I don't remember a whole lot from my elementary years, but I do remember making these string baskets for Easter, funny eh! I had just thought about them last year but didn't get around to making them, so I was excited to try them out this year! They are fun to make, kinda messy and really sticky, but it's a fun one for your kids to do....unless they are clean freaks like their moms and hate being messy. lol Faith had to keep washing her hands every 5 minutes.

The result was worth it though, aren't they cute and fun?!!
Want to make one for/with your kids for Easter? You need the following:
  • Balloon- blown up to the size you want
  • String or yarn. String works better; I used 12 bundles of crochet thread, 2 different colors.
  • 1 cup warm water + 2 cups granulated white sugar- stir til dissolved

  1. Hang balloon up with some string and place newspaper or something underneath.
  2. Dip string into sugar water mixture and wrap around balloon. The fun thing about this is you don't have to get it perfect, just keep wrapping it around in different directions to get a web-like design.
  3. You can use more string than me to make it more covered, that's all the string I had so I stopped there, but I like it this way, just my preference.
  4. Let dry over night.
  5. When strings are all completely dry and stiff, pop balloon and either pull out carefully through holes or wait til next step.
  6. Cut a hole for front of basket, where the Easter Bunny will place the goodies! ;) Faith was extremely excited about that part! If you didn't already, pull out your popped balloon now.
  7. Be creative and decorate with whatever you want!
  8. To make it stand up, just lightly press bottom down on hard surface.
This is how Faith wanted hers---> I hot glued lace around hole to cover up raw edges and hot glued bow on top. I love the way they turn out!

And you got yourself a fun, unique Easter basket ready for all those yummy goodies.... which include Cadbury eggs, right?!? They are the BEST! :)

If you do one, let me know, I want to see!! I like to find different ideas!

8 comments from awesome people!:

Katie Webb said...

Too cute!!!

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [16 Apr 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Brooke said...


I linked to your easter baskets, they are sooo cute! Unfortunately, when we tried them it didn't quite turn out but I wanted to let you know I am sending people your way.

You can read about our fiasco at

There are no pictures because my camera is broken.

Can't wait to try again next year!

Rebekah said...

too cute!!! what a fun teacher gift too!!!

lAuRa said...

Thanks guys!

Brooke, thanks for letting me know you tried them, but sorry they didn't turn out for you!! Hopefully it works better next time. I should warn everyone that yarn does not work! hah It was fun to read about though! :)

~holly said...

Awesome! I'll have to try this next year. Thanks for sharing.

Stacey said...

A friend tight me how to make these baskets a few years ago.I love it.What makes it so fun.Is to see the look on the kids face.The part you cut out.I use that to glue on the bottom for a stand.It is fun to make them.

Nolan said...

I love how creative and festive these string baskets look!