
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hangin' with my Peeps

I just went to the Wood Connection for the first time. Why I haven't made it there before now I don't know, but it is one of my new favorite places!
I got these cute little bunnies to do...Hangin' with my peeps...because they look like peeps marshmallow bunnies. Cute huh!
Faith was super excited to help paint and glitter one, doesn't the purple one look especially awesome?! :)

My last decoration before Easter.....which is in 5 days and I'm not ready!! Anyone else feel my pain? ;)

Oh and here is a pattern I traced of the bunny for you to use! Have fun!


  1. yes!!! how sad am i, i just realized i have done ZERO decorating!!!
    this is way cute and am going to have to find me some bunnies to do this!! you have some of the greatest ideas!! :)

  2. you're so cute!! I love it. :) Good job Laura!

  3. Super cute! That store=danger for me! Love it and I am not ready for easter at all either! ;)

  4. I love the Wood Connection! Your peeps turned out so cute!


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