My lil baby turned 1 Tuesday!! People weren't lying when they said kids grow up too fast. It feels just like yesterday that I had her. Thank goodness it wasn't though. =)
I'm very glad we had Mikkie when we did. She's the perfect lil sister and friend for Faith. They are good buddies. It's so sweet to see them play with eachother now. It makes their mama happy. =) She was a bit tougher of a baby. Except was quicker and better than Faith's....45 minutes man! I'm dang proud of that! Recovery was also quicker and nicer with her. But she did have colic. I think I grayed a lil and lost some hair during that phase.
Some things that describe her and some of her favorite things:
She has the best, cutest puppy face
She loves playing with her big sister
She is a precious lil angel
She could eat a whole box of cheerios
She'll put anything in her mouth..but especially likes to chew and eat the crayons.
She pulls books off shelf all the time and takes after her sister in ripping them.
She loves to climb the stairs. She's had it mastered going up for a while, going down...not so much and scares me when she attempts to by herself.
She loves her bottle, she's a very good eater.
She LOVES, loves phones and anything else that glows. I can always count on it to keep her quiet.
She loves bath time, especially playing with Faith and toys in there.
She is a chomper...loves to bite toes, fingers, cheek and noses....and pretty much anywhere else she can get to. Tim's nose is especially her favorite.
She likes to munch on grapes all day long.
We had a pumpkin themed party, cuz she's my lil Punkin'. Her birthday snuck up on me, so it was a little more low key but was still fun! Oh and btw, these pix are all from my phone, so they're not the highest quality, but hey it's better than nothing, right?! Faithy decided it would be fun to break my camera's battery charger. So....yea ;)
A pumpkin bundt cake * decided to try something different for a sign instead of paper, I used gourds * cute lil treat bags for the kids and I DID remember to give them out this time!! * Mikkie in her 3 cute outfits she got! She looks so cutsie in all of them!

Yummy Pumpkin cream cheese spread with bagels that I will share the recipe for cuz it was so good * Pumpkin butter we got from CT with saltines were quite tasty * Orange cream punch which I'm also going to share the wealth cuz I likey so much * All of our guests who made the night so much fun- I thought it was cool how Coleman was twirling a balloon and with my bad camera it made it look more like a cool burst of orange light
Present time- got some cute stuff! It was so nice of everyone. * I got a personal chocolate fudge cake for Mikkie to dig into * She got the hang of it pretty fast * big bow from present on her head* Look how strong she is standing all by herself * orange banner to go along with the orange/pumpkin theme.
Wow, long post! Just so much to say about our sweet baby girl and how much fun it is to have her in our family!
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup canned pumpkin
1/4 cup sugar
3/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Beat all ingredients in a medium mixing bowl with an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour or up to 24 hours. Makes 1-1/2 cups (24, 1-tablespoon servings).
- 1 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk
- 1 12-ounce can frozen orange juice concentrate, thawed
- Orange food coloring
- 2 1-liter bottles club soda or ginger ale, chilled
- Orange sherbet
1. In a punch bowl combine sweetened condensed milk and orange juice concentrate. Tint with orange food coloring, if desired. Add club soda.
2. Top with small scoops of orange sherbet. Serve immediately. Makes 16 servings.
2 comments from awesome people!:
What a fun party! Thanks for all the yummy treats and for such a fun time... Mikayla is such a sweetheart... we loved celebrating with your family!
I'm so sad we missed it! That cake looks DELICIOUS :) I can't believe how grown-up she looks in the black and white outfit .. crazy! I can't wait to **finally** get some pictures of her soon!
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