
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Mikkie Angel!

November 10th was a very hard day. Our sweet Mikkie would have been two years old. My parents came with Faith and I to the grave. Faith picked out a balloon and I picked out some nice, bright pink flowers. Perfect!

We had a party tonight for everyone to come to. I'm so grateful for all our family and friends and their love and support! It's nice to talk about Mikkie and share fun, sweet memories of her. I think the night turned out very well and we enjoyed the company of so many loved ones.

We met at the cemetery first and gathered around her grave while sharing memories and a few journal entries (by me) about her. Then we gave everyone one of the bright colored balloons and had everyone write one thing they promise to work on. I think after this we all feel like being a better person and already a better person for knowing Mikkie (at least for me anyways). So we wrote it on the balloon with permanent markers and let the balloons go all at once, up into the sky.....right up to Mikkie. :) My promise was to do more service, I better get crackin'. I love this idea and am going to keep this a tradition for all the years to come. (Yes, I realize the biggest picture in this is blurry, Dang it, I'm still mad about it. :(
Then we came back to our house for yummy food. I tried to stick with the theme of my poem I wrote for her, that we basically use for a lot of things about her now. I made some Rainbow cupcakes (remember these from Faith's party?) and a giant one just for her.... I could just see her stuffing her little face in it, enjoying it to the very last crumb. Since it was a chilly night I got some hot chocolate ready, this is the first time I've tasted the candy cane one...pretty good! All the other delicious food and goodies were brought by others that came, which I'm so grateful for! I was bakin' those cupcakes for hours, they are one of the most time-consuming things to make, but so worth it, aren't they so fun?!?! :)

I hope she liked it, I tried to give her a better party than last year. Wish I didn't wait... Sometimes there just isn't a 'next time', so no more slacking for me. :)

Happy birthday my sweet angel, I love you so very much!


  1. The party was fabulous Laura! I wish I hadn't made it late to the cemetary, that was really neat to be there with everyone. I was able to talk about the balloon experience in my talk in church today -- I had been racking my brains for ideas but it didn't come together until that night and that experience fit perfectly with my topic :)
    I am SO BEYOND EXCITEd about Mikkie's tree. It looks amazing and I can't think of a better way to celebrate her life than with such a beautiful gift to Primary Children's!

  2. I'm happy you were able to celebrate her life :) You sure know how to throw a party, Laura and I'm sure Mikkie was there enjoying every minute! I am constantly amazed by you and your strength. I hope you see how completely amazing you are! Love you!

  3. What a wonderful tribute to your little Mikkie!

  4. Marice, SWEET!...that it helped you with your talk! haha I wanna hear your talk now :) Sorry we started without you, everyone was getting very cold, but I'm very very glad you and Shay were able to make it! I'm very excited about the tree too!! I'm totally pumped to put it together on the 29th!!! wahoo!! :)
    Jenny and Brittany, thank you very much! I hope Mikkie thought so too :)


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