Sunday, July 12, 2009

Make room....

....on your RSS/news reader for one more blog, cuz we're goin public......again! =) After reading and polling people's opinions on public vs private blogs, I was persuaded to make the change.

I'm changing things a bit tho. I changed my url to:
Why? cuz it's not going to be just a family blog, I'm going to share a buncha rAnDoM (but FuN) shtuff along with my family life.
Why tasteslikechikin? cuz if you know me well, it's something I AlWaYs say and it's totally RaNdOm. =)

Hopefully you will enjoy it and I look forward to hearing any comments you have!

3 comments from awesome people!:

Katie Webb said...

Your background is so cute! I love it! I'm glad you made it public. It will be fun staying touch this way too.

Lisa R.D. said...

Hooray for public blogs! Welcome back :).

lAuRa said...

Thanks you two! I'm glad to be back to the public blogging world too...I felt kinda isolated in the private world. =)
I agree Katie, it is fun staying in touch this way, I've had tons of fun and good laughs reading your blog! =)