Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monthly goal review

Another month- gone! I'm getting way anxious for Spring!

Goal for February: Study a topic in the scriptures each week and really become familiar with it.

Rating: ★★★★★

Surprisingly I only missed 2 days out of the whole month. That's pretty darn good, so I'm going to give myself a little credit and rate me a five. I really tried hard to make it a habit to study every morning before I do anything else (or it most likely won't get done). I really enjoyed these study sessions; I got a lot more out of them rather than just reading straight through the scriptures.
Preach My Gospel is what I studied. It had some great study and application ideas. My cousin mentioned she read it and I thought it sounded like a good idea!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Spring blox!

I'm going to jump right into Easter, I'm not really a fan of St. Patty's day. That and New Years are kinda weird holidays, in my opinion. =)

One of my BFF's came over last week to craft with me while our hubbies nerded out together playing video games. Good thing they both like it, that way they can entertain each other while we do our thang. She has next to NO decorations, so I insisted we start making some for her Spring collection. This is what we came up with.
We weren't so sure how the painted edges were going to turn out, but.....what do you think?!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Something about Sundays..........

That always makes me want to curl up and sleep all day. Why is that!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Coke Pork Roast

Wow, I don't think I've gone this long without blogging! ha Don't let that fool ya though, cuz I have been doing lotsa stuff, I'm just not ready to post them quite yet. March is going to be a crazy busy, FUN month, so expect lots to come then. =)

I'm not a fan of pepsi, dr. pepper, coke or any of those products, but I do like coke when cooked with a roast! It makes for a very juicy, tender, flavorful slab of meat!
This isn't the most mouth-watering picture, sorry folks it's the best I could do. I warned you I wasn't the greatest photographer.
mmmmmmmmm... I so wish I had some for tonight!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentines here?

Holy Shmokes, is it that time already?! I'm more than ready for it, but I just can't believe it's here.

We're celebrating early tonight. I saw a poster on our mailbox just yesterday advertising a Sweetheart's Ball just down the street from us at the golf course. Perfect! The only problem was we waited until today to find a babysitter. Luckily I have an awesome hubby who found us one in our ward.....after 1 1/2 hours of calling. :S

Tim told me he just wanted me to make something for him for his gift, so I made him a
lollipop flower bouquet (didn't get a chance to take a picture before they got hoovered the girls, not Tim :) Both gifts were greatly appreciated and loved by him, I love seeing the look on his face when I do or give something to him.

My love letter in a bottle. Printed my letter, burned the edges, rolled up, tied with a ribbon, stuck it in a soy sauce bottle I saved and washed, filled bottle with confetti, burned edges of label, taped it on, stuck a cork in it and voila! I was so excited that I had a cork laying around.....kinda random, who has extra corks around? =)
and mini baked apple pies in a box. Got the idea from HERE. She has a template to print the box, how cute and fun is that?! The pie-lets (not to be confused with piglets) only took me 30 minutes to make...20 of that was cooking time!
Something different, cute and fun, give it a try! Good thing I'm posting still have 2 days to do it. =)

Know what he got ME? I thought the jigsaw was good enough, but along came a Dremel this week! woo hoo!! Now all I need is a mitre saw and I'll be set......Mother's Day maybe? ;)

my visiting teacher dropped this off just before we left, so nice of her and cute idea!
Timmah and I at the dance. We had to dust off our moves and practice them, it was a lot of fun! They had dinner there too, but we were too full from eating Thai food beforehand. mmm mmm!
I love my hubby! He always knows how to have a good time!
Anybody else like dancing? Not a whole lot of people we know like to. Pity. Would be a blast to do double dates going dancin'.

We came back to a feverish baby. Darn that teething! Mikkie's getting two big molars, not a fun thing; my poor baby girl.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Best bread ever!

There are probably many great bread recipes out there, but this one is definitely one of the top 5. I used to use a bread machine I was given, which would make one loaf at a time and when it cooled down it would go crumbly when cut. not cool. I stopped making bread for a while, then my mom got this recipe from Bosch. Once I tasted of its chewy goodness, it was love at first bite! I knew this is THEE recipe I've been waiting for all my life. ;) It makes FIVE loaves at a time, is so chewy and moist...even after you freeze it, just warm up in the microwave, smother some butter on it and it's just like it came out of the oven! ooooooooh so yummy!
It says you can use this recipe for cinnamon rolls also. I decided to try it and wow, did it ever work. They came out like massively mammoth sized! I wish i would've taken a picture, but they were HUGE! (think almost triple the size of a normal one) haha I had to laugh when I saw them, but no matter, cuz they tasted awesome! A mammoth slice of heaven in your mouth.

Is your mouth watering yet?? Go try it out, you will not be disappointed!

This recipe calls for dough enhancer and wheat gluten. Dough enhancer will give your bread a fine light texture. Gluten, a natural protein derived from wheat, provides elasticity, strength, adds texture, helps to retain moisture and prevents crumbling and extends shelf life of bread.

This recipe calls for dough enhancer and wheat gluten. Dough enhancer will give your bread a fine light texture. Gluten, a natural protein derived from wheat, provides elasticity, strength, adds texture, helps to retain moisture and prevents crumbling and extends shelf life of bread.

Easy Whole Wheat Bread

7 cups whole wheat flour

2/3 cup wheat gluten

2 ½ Tablespoons instant yeast

5 cups water (110-115 degrees0

Mix first 3 ingredients together in mixer with a dough hook. Add water all at once and mix on speed 1 for ONE minute. Cover and let rest for 10 minutes (mixture will start to rise).


2 Tablespoons salt

2/3 cup oil

½ cup xagave (or 2/3 cup honey OR 1 cup sugar may be substituted—I use the honey.)

3 Tablespoons dough enhancer

5 cups whole wheat flour

Turn mixer up to speed 1 and add flour ½ cup at a time until dough starts to pull away from sides and bottom. Turn mixer up to speed 3 and mix for 10 minutes. Dough should be soft and slightly sticky. Form into 5 loaves, place into greased pans. Let rise til double (about ½ hour). Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes.

Makes 5 loaves

*Recipe can be used to make rolls. Make dough as above and form into rolls. Let rise in a warm oven until doubled in size and then bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until golden brown.

Cinnamon rolls

Make dough as above. Roll onto oiled or watered counter. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, raisins can be added if desired. Roll into log shape and cut into 2” thick rolls. Place on greased baking sheet and let rise in a warm oven until doubled in size. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Valentines sweets

There was a bunch of goodies I wanted to try out but only got to a few. I can't believe Valentines is next week! Good thing I started planning early.

So, made some pink & red chocolate dipped pretzels, mini cupcakes and some REALLY good sugar cookies! They are just like the ones you get at the store, except better. =) My mom found the recipe for the cookie and I found a royal icing recipe from Martha Stewart I wanted to try; it looked so smooth and glossy. This is probably the only time that I made something and it turned out somewhat like the picture. (not as pretty, but it did look glossy and smooth like the picture!) After icing hardened it was even better, there was no holding back on inhaling those puppies!
What to do with all these sweets around?!?! Valentines isn't just for your special someone, it's for everyone you love, ya?! I love my neighbors, so I made some goody plates for them. It shows them we love them and helps us by ridding my kitchen of a plethora of dangerous sweets. Good plan. =)

Moist & Chewy Sugar Cookies

1 cup butter softened
2 c sugar
Cream together. Add:
3 eggs
1 c sour cream
1 t baking soda
2 t vanilla
Mix together til fluffy.
4 cups flour (use 3 at first, then use only what you need after that, don't use too much flour)
Cut out with shapes, place on greased cookie sheet @ 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes. We did 8 min. and they turned out perfect.

Royal Icing
2 pounds confectioners' sugar, sifted
10 tablespoons meringue powder
1 cup water

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ruffled Pillow!

We've had these pillows since we got married (4 years ago) and now.....well, they're just a tad hammered n hashed. Not so pretty anymore, not to mention they really don't match. I don't think we had anything that matched, we took anything we could get! ;)
A few days ago, I looked at my pillows with a sigh and then remembered a tutorial I saw HERE to make some CUTE ruffled pillows! I also had some extra fabric that I got on clearance from Hobby Lobby and it just happened to be the perfect color! WOA that hardly, like next-to-never happens.

So, this is the result:

I am totally in love with it! It definitely made quite a change to the look of the room. Wahoo!


Yea, I know I'm late posting this up, my morning got away from me!

Without further ado, the winners are:

Blogger Scattered Brain said...

I love posts on free, cute, sewing or craft patterns.


Blogger Cindy said...

I love to see how-to and DIY posts. I like to see what people make and hear cute, happy, funny stories. and of course anything by Laura Harper! ;)

Congrats! Contact me at to arrange things!

Thanks to all who entered and amusing me with my attempts at good giveaways. =) Hopefully these 2 will enjoy it!

100th post giveaway!!

I've seen other blogs do giveaways on their 100th post, so I'm gonna do it. I love 'em, so any reason to do one. =)

I'm going to choose TWO winners, cuz two is better than One!

What you'll win: A custom designed blog background and header by mua!

If you'd like to enter, here's what to do: Simply leave a comment on this post telling me what blog posts interests you the most (on any blog). That's it!

Giveaway will END one week from today on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4 @ 12:00PM

Good Luck! =)

This post will remain at top until contest is over, until then don't forget to scroll down for New posts!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Freebie Valentines kit 2!


This one is "Puppy Love" dedicated to my cute doggy Rex(aka Rexy poo, aka Rexamus Poochamus), who died almost exactly a year ago. My family had him since he was a pup back in '95. We had him for 14 years! He was totally family; the sweetest, most loyal, funniest dog you'd ever known! He wouldn't have hurt a flea. (sure, he'd eat a mouse or cat-but not a flea!) I miss that pooch SO much. It's not the same going to visit my parents and not being able to pet his lil head,rub his ears and tummy and baby talk to him telling him how he's the cootest witto poochie, while he gives me the "wow, you're weird but I don't care as long as you keep rubbing my belly" look.
February 8, 2009 was one of the saddest days of my life when he had to be put down due to a zillion heath problems. He lived a good, long life though. We love and miss him very much!
Enjoy! Thanks for all the kind comments on previous posts, you totally make my day, thanks! =)
Free for Personal Use Only

Monday, February 1, 2010

Valentines ideas: THE list

Ok, here is THE list of lists for Valentines ideas! I know there's a lot more other fun and creative idea out there, but this is all I could find/come up with......

· Whatever you decide to do, make a few rules for the evening or day, like "No TV" or "No finances/work/etc talk". Even if you just play a game together or spend the evening talking, focus on your love for each other and laughing together. Do the things that you know your sweetheart likes to do and make it special for them.

· Thanksgiving Point is having a fun dinner/dance featuring The Joe Muscolino Band on February 13th. Check out details HERE.

· One thing I’ve noticed for sure is ANY restaurant is going to be jam packed on Valentines weekend. Skip the dinner out - restaurants are busy and expensive on Valentine's Day - order take out or make your sweetheart’s favorite meal and eat by candlelight in your house (even if it is McDonald's or Burger King, this can be nice).

· Have a picnic in your living room. Spread a blanket. Buy some sparkling cider, cheese and bread (or any food you want). Light some candles and have fun discussing anything and everything together.

· Make a scavenger hunt. Have each clue lead eventually to a small gift or even dessert. OR First plan a scavenger hunt. Write clues on note cards telling him/her where to go. Place the clues in the places around the community. Have a friend or relative give him/her the first clue. The final clue leads your date to a restaurant (be waiting at the table with flowers)…I think this is one of my favorite ideas.

· Cook dinner together! Have fun with it!

· Blindfold your date from the very beginning. Put her in the car and when you get to the restaurant, help her sit down. Have a nice romantic candlelight dinner waiting for her along with some roses with personal note.

· Prepare three envelopes (each with a different date). Your date first chooses one of the three envelopes. She can opt to accept that date, or trade it in for one of the remaining two envelopes, which could be more or less desirable. Be prepared to go out immediately.

· Recreate Your First Date. Unless it was just a total disaster, your first date probably holds a lot of sentimental value for both you and your loved one. What better Valentine's Day surprise could there be than to recreate the first date, a time when you first fell in love? Go to the same restaurant, rent the first movie you watched together, take him/her dancing to the same place - whatever you did on that first date, make it happen again. Even if it was a disaster, you can recreate it, making it better the second time.

· Getaway Trip- This one will require more money and a little preparation, but is sure to be great fun for both of you. Plan a secret weekend vacation. If you have kids, arrange for babysitters without letting your love know about it. Book the hotel reservations and when Friday rolls around, surprise them by having their bags packed, ready to go. A getaway involving just the two of you will be fun no matter where you go.

· Coupon book: An oldy but a goody. Who can say how long the coupon book has been around, but it needs an upgrade. Gone are the days of the “take out the trash” coupon or “do the dishes” coupon. Now it’s time for “a back rub after a long day’s work” or “win the next disagreement.” No matter what they be, the coupons are sure to be greatly appreciated.

· On colored construction paper cut out 14 hearts (for the # of days in Feb. until Valentines) On each heart, write something you love about your sweetheart, favorite memories, quotes from your favorite songs or movies, and quotes about love in general. Place one in random spots each day until Valentines and maybe make the last one a little more special by _______ you fill in the blank =)

· Go all out with lit candles, soft music, rose petals, things that you don’t normally do everyday. Just go all out, it doesn’t have to be expensive or that much work, but can create a perfect mood.

· Massage! Most everyone loves a good massage.

· Hot air balloon rides are neat and could be romantic! Bundle up and share an amazing view together up high!

· Hot tubbing! It’s actually fun to be in a hot tub in the cold weather….makes the hot tub not as hot.

· Carriage rides

· Have a backwards dinner (start with dessert, then a main course, then salad, then soup, and finish with an appetizer).

· Create a trail of candy from their door step, to the car, and have balloons tied to their car door handle, and antennae. Also tie balloons up in random places that they'll see on their way to work.

· What men like to get as gifts is often quite different than what women want. Many women enjoy the finer things for Valentine’s gifts such as roses, candy and jewelry. All women love sentimental gifts. Men usually like practical gifts, and they never mind getting food or a romantic evening with you! If you are at a loss as to what to get your husband this Valentine’s Day, here are some helpful ideas.

1. Romantic Gift Basket

You can guarantee that a gift basket filled with romantic items will put a smile on his face. Fill a basket with a pair of silk boxer shorts, some good smelling massage lotion or oils, bubble bath and candles. Don’t forget to add in a CD filled with romantic music, too.

2. Tickets to a Game

Most men love seeing their favorite sports team, so why not get your hubby a pair of tickets? Even if you do not love sports, you can tell him he can take his buddy along with him. You can guarantee that this gift will be much appreciated this Valentine’s Day. Or instead of sports, you could get tickets to see someone in concert!

3. Hobby Gifts

Your husband probably has a hobby that he enjoys. Perhaps it is woodworking, golf, model cars or playing poker. This Valentine’s Day give him something that coincides with this favorite hobby, such as a new tool, a gift card to the driving range, paint for his model cards or a card shuffler for his poker games. If you are at a loss as to what he needs, then take him shopping and let him pick it out. He won’t mind because he will get exactly what he wants.

Some of these were my own ideas and others I found at these various sites below:

Hope this helps a little with what you want to do with and for your sweetheart for Valentines! Good luck and have fun! =)